July 18 – Even in Houston, Lin boasts marketing potential reminiscent of Yao | Houston Chronicle

Kenneth Wisnefski is the brand strategist and Founder/CEO of WebiMax, an international Internet marketing company. He thinks “the second phase of the Lin brand, moving beyond the feel-good and overnight-sensation notion,” should prove highly lucrative, never mind his change of address.  Read more

July 18 – Will Fans Go Linsane For Jeremy In Houston? Don’t Bet On It | Forbes

Playing with a big contract in a smaller market, one with approximately one-eighth of New York’s Asian population, Lin carries the burden of expected stardom in a new town.  In New York the marketability (for an average Lin) would still be there because of all the media attention.  Read more

June 22 – iOS vs. Android: Apple and Google map different routes | Software Development Times

The success of Android and iOS in part depends upon the innovation provided for each platform by third-party mobile app developers, and some would argue that Android has taken a beating as a result.  Here, Kenneth Wisnefski discusses the differences going forward.  Read more

June 21 – Who’s Minding the Twitter? Big Companies’ Most Painful Mis-Tweets | AOL Daily Finance

Retailers and consumer-products companies are increasingly using Twitter as a marketing tool, which has given them limitless opportunities to connect with their customers.  Kenneth Wisnefski discusses some of the worst tweets of the year.  Read more

June 14 – Apple Drops Google Services on iOS 6 | Ping! Zine

Kenneth Wisnefski, online marketing expert and founder / CEO of WebiMax, feels “We are seeing a major player in the tech industry detracting from Google’s services and making them [Google] susceptible to losses in a market they have consistently dominated.”  Read more

May 25 – Why Facebook’s IPO Woes Matter To Marketers | CMO.com

Since coming online in 2004, Facebook has risen to the top of the social-media landscape and asserted itself as the essential platform for connecting with people over the Internet.  Kenneth Wisnefski discusses Facebook’s IPO and its impact on marketers.  Read more

May 16 – Time for Facebook to Grow Up | FOX Business

Just days before Facebook’s highly-anticipated initial public offering, some investors continue to fear an exodus of Facebook’s biggest advertisers if Mark Zuckerberg fails to tighten his focus on ad sales.  The concern follows a report on Tuesday that General Motors (GM) will stop buying ads on Facebook, as it sees them as ineffective.  Read more

May 14 – Google’s Penguin Freezing Out Small Business Searches | CNBC

“The Penguin update targets all the practices that search engine optimizers (SEO) have been doing for the past 10 years, such as getting paid links or spinning content articles and distributing them just to improve their ranking,” Todd Bailey, search engine expert and vice president of marketing at WebiMax.  Read more

May 11 – Google’s Penguin Update Hardest on Small Business | Business News Daily

Being at the top of a Google search results page is a highly sought piece of real estate for many businesses. After all, being listed near the top of the results page on Google can be the difference between gaining new customers and losing them to another company.  Read more