July 19 – Basketball skill may not be only reason Rockets signed Jeremy Lin | LA Times

We know the Houston area is receptive, given the success of Yao Ming. In addition, the inroads that were developed with Yao Ming in the international Asian market can carry over and impact Jeremy Lin’s brand recognition.  Read more

July 19 – After Linsanity: Experts Weigh In on Lin’s Future in Media | Mashable

Nowadays that’s a big aspect, when marketers can look to some kind of metric to understand how beloved someone is by the public,” says Kenneth Wisnefski, a brand strategist and CEO of the Internet marketing company WebiMax.  Read more

July 19 – Knicks links: Jeremy Lin fallout continues | NJ Star Ledger

Lin’s transition from New York to Houston will likely eliminate the ‘feel good story’ he projected now that he is set to make $25 million over the next 3 years,’ Wisnefski says. ‘The end of the short-lived Jeremy Lin era in New York will likely bring an end to “Linsanity” and impacts his brand.  Kenneth […]