Ken in the Access Direct Blog: Looking Big, Even When You’re Not

A public relations campaign can go a long way toward making a small company look big, agrees Ken Wisnefski, CEO of WebiMax. “The key strategy should be pitching people inside your company as expert sources to the media. Though, it can certainly take a bit of patience and a lot of reading to figure out which publications and authors are putting out stories that intersect with your industry.” Pitching your point of view appropriately is an important skill to develop, says Wisnefski. “Get your point out quickly, and follow it up with why it is compelling and worthy of reporting. Your pitch has to answer the question ‘So what?’ not just for the reporter, but also for the reporter’s audience, so avoid any jargon, and keep it simple.” Once the press mentions your company, leverage that every way you can think of, Wisnefski recommends, “including social media, your website, newsletters and on sales calls.” From identifying their desired brand, to critically evaluating their current brand image, to leveraging the use of a variety of communication and outreach tools to stay consistently and professional in front of their audiences, even the smallest businesses can stack up against the big brands.

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