Little Interest in Internet Among the Offline 15 Percent

On September 27,2013, Ken Wisnefski Founder & CEO of Webimax, was featured in an article posted on The article discusses the fact that although most people believe everyone, in this day-in-age, utilizes the internet for everything. An astonishing 15 percent of American adults remain offline. When asked about the matter, Ken stated, “I think […]

TWITTER IPO: What can be learned from Facebook?

In a recent article featured on Which discusses the ever trending topic of the upcoming Twitter IPO. Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO of Webimax said “Avoiding the pomp and circumstance of a huge announcement allows the media to create the hype for you, which is only half as clever as the decision to take […]

Google May Be Giving Up on Cookies

In light of the recent report that Google may be planning to stop using third-party cookies in favor of an anonymous identifier for advertising called AdID. Webimax founder & CEO Ken Wisnefski, weighed in on an article featured on Direct Marketing News. In the article Wisnefski states “This ultimately puts Google in the seat of […]