Twitter’s Mobile Push Resonates, Driving Revenue and Stock Value

      “Twitter seems to be focused on growing its viability in the market as a meaningful destination for marketers and truthfully, a meaningful destination for users to engage more actively.”  – WebiMax Founder and CEO, Ken Wisnefski CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ARTICLE

Blackberry’s Security Acquisition Might Help ‘Win Back a Sizable Share of the Market’

“In the past couple years, while it has been apparent that Blackberry was losing serious ground in mobile device market, it has also become apparent that eavesdropping and security is more rampant than anyone had previously thought,” said WebiMax CEO Ken Wisnefski.   CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Blackberry’s Acquisition of Secusmart a ‘Smart Move’ Say Analysts

  Reputation management expert Ken Wisnefski told Business Review Canada, “People are becoming more aware that as they move more of their life online, they become more and more vulnerable.  Blackberry’s purchase of Secusmart’s high-security voice and data encryption and anti-eavesdropping tech goes a long way to addressing those concerns.  It also shows that Blackberry is […]

Facebook’s Blowout Earnings Are Even More Impressive Than You Thought

WebiMax Founder and CEO Ken Wisnefski comments on Facebook’s 2nd quarter earnings in the online business news magazine The Street. “Facebook has become a more popular destination for advertisers to utilize their paid advertising spends,” said Ken Wisnefski, CEO of Internet Marketing company WebiMax via email. “A lot of our clients have shifted portions of their ad […]

Webimax CEO Ken Wisnefski Comments on Facebook’s 2nd Quarter Earnings on Market Watch

The rise of mobile and fact that Facebook has become the predominant mobile ad platform will help boost its Q2 earnings and prompt Wall Street to see Facebook as beginning to leverage its assets correctly and hitting its stride as a company. CLICK HERE — To hear our CEO Ken Wisnefski discuss Facebook’s 2nd quarter […]

Yellen’s out-of-bounds comments irk Wall Street

Ken Wisnefski speaks to the New York Post’s Richard Morgan about Janet Yellin’s comment that social media stocks may be over valued. “A lot of people can’t accept that a concept can be so highly valued,” he said in reference to the so-called concept stocks that often pop up in biotech and social media. “And […]

What Does Ellen’s Tweet Heard ‘Round the World Mean for Marketers?

March 6, 2014, Ken Wisnefski wrote an article, from an expert marketing perspective, via, which discusses the “Tweet heard ’round the World”. Which is the name coined for the record setting Tweet from the Academy Awards, sent by Ellen DeGeneres. Read what Ken had to say here!

Do Christians care if ‘Noah’ movie jibes with the Bible? Survey says … yep

Webimax Founder Ken Wisnefski shared his expert marketing opinion in an article discussing the controversial upcoming film, from Paramount Studios, “Noah”. In the article he is quoted, “It is commonplace for Hollywood to change stories for dramatic effect or impact.” Check out the full article, Click Here

Ken Wisnefski Joins WSJ This Morning Radio Show Discussing Recent Issues Surrounding

October 24, 2013, Ken Wisnefski joined “Wall Street Journal This Morning” radio show to discuss how businesses can possibly avoid a disastrous website launch like the one experienced on October 1st. Read a summary here, or listen to the segment below.  

What Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm Means for Small Business

October 8, 2013, Webimax Founder & CEO Ken Wisnefski spoke for an article featured at The topic was how the new Google Algorithm update, Hummingbird, will affect small business. Wisnefski had this to say on the matter: “The main reasons Google created the Hummingbird update revolve around the nature by which people search more […]

What Google’s Hummingbird update means for marketers

On October 1, 2013, Ken Wisnefski wrote an article discussing the new Google Hummingbird algorithm update and what it means for online marketers. Excerpt from the article: “The Hummingbird update shows that the search engine giant will make it easier for companies to compete with the giants of their field in the localized space.” View […]

Google rewrites its rules

On September 27, 2013, Webimax founder & CEO Ken Wisnefski was featured in an article on discussing recent updates made by Google. Including but not limited to the AdID cookie and the new Hummingbird algorithm update. In this article, Ken states, “The potential Google tracking technology—the “super cookie”—likely will revolve less around a user’s […]

The Hummingbird Update: The Lessons for Digital Marketers

On September 27, 2013, Webimax founder and CEO Ken Wisnefski posted an article on discussing “Hummingbird”, which is a search engine algorithm update recently launched by Google. This was the Search Engine Giant’s largest update since 2001. In this article, Ken informs, “The term “hummingbird” was chosen by Google to represent the preciseness and […]

Google’s Hummingbird Update: Should You Be Concerned?

In a blog post authored by Ken Wisnefski, Founder & CEO of Webimax, featured at on September 30,2013. Ken discusses the recent “Hummingbird” algorithm update which was implemented by Google. In the article, Wisnefski says, “The algorithm change, which is being dubbed the Hummingbird update, was made in yet another attempt by Google to […]