Oct 26th: Kenneth Wisnefski Discusses Facebook with Philadelphia Inquirer

Kenneth Wisnefski, chief executive officer of the WebiMax consulting outfit in Mount Laurel, notes that the news release, posted to Don-O’s Facebook account, generated more than 19,000 likes, 7,400 comments, and 6,100 shares.  Read more on Philly.com.

Oct. 18th: More Polished, Pictorial LinkedIn Draws No User Wrath | E-Commerce Times

Social networkers are much more sanguine about changes to LinkedIn than to Facebook. One reason may be that LinkedIn plays a different role in people’s lives.  Read more on E-Commerce Times.

Oct. 18th: WebiMax Announces the Launch of BrandManagement.com on Yahoo! Finance

Kenneth Wisnefski, Founder and CEO of WebiMax, the fastest growing private company in New Jersey on the Inc. 500, announced the unveiling of a new website aimed at providing valuable information on brand management and reputation management for medium and large-sized businesses.  Read more about the debut of BrandManagement.com on Yahoo! Finance.

Oct. 11th: Kenneth Wisnefski Discusses Mitt Romney’s “Completely Wrong” Google Problem with FOX News

Kenneth Wisnefski discusses with FOX News how Governor Romney is appearing in Google’s search engine results.  Read more at FOX News Online.

WebiMax Partners With HelpAsh.org, Victims of the Aurora, CO Shooting | MarketWatch

This week, WebiMax announced its partnership with HelpAsh.org, a site created to assist Aurora Shooting victim, Ashley Moser and her family.  WebiMax is donating its online marketing services to the organization in order to enhance the site’s visibility and overall awareness. Read the official press release online via MarketWatch.