Ken Wisnefski in the Birch Blog on New Technologies for small business

“It used to be a difficult prospect to incorporate people’s vicinity to your business into your Internet marketing and advertising campaigns,” said Internet marketer Ken Wisnefski. However, social media has allowed for this technology to become inexpensive. Click here to Read the Full Article

Ken in Mobile Marketer discusses Twitter’s direct response strategy

“Marketers are efficient on Google’s ad platforms and are looking to shift spending to other options,” said Ken Wisnefski, founder-CEO of WebiMax. “First up is obviously Facebook, but marketers are also looking at search engines Yahoo and Bing now.  Pinterest, Instagram, and Snap Chat are all vying for those ad dollars as well,” he said. […]

Ken in NFIB on the Hyper-Local Movement

“People used to predict the end of brick and mortar because shopping online was so much more convenient with more choices—no searching through a huge store looking for a small item, no carrying items around a store, no traffic and no checkout lines,” he says. “But that prediction supposes that people really hate leaving the […]

Ken Wisnefski in Mobile Marketer on the Apple Watch

The wearable tech market has been difficult to read with consumer sentiment being somewhat nebulous, yet Apple’s watch managed to dominate the company’s news in the quarter. “So far there doesn’t seem to be a definitive product in the wearable tech space,” said Ken Wisnefski, founder-CEO of Webimax. “If Apple can bridge the gap between […]

Ken Wisnefski in Mobile Marketer on Google’s new wireless service – Fi

At a $20 price point, it could be hard for many consumers to justify subscribing to anything else. “It is a remarkable offering with access to two major networks, availability in 120 plus countries, and the ability to control what you spend on data,” said Ken Wisnefski, founder/CEO of Webimax. “It seems to compete with […]

Ken Wisnefski in Mobile Marketer on Facebook’s Q1 Earnings

Despite multiple product launches, Facebook’s challenge remains making sure marketers are educated on how to get the best results from the platform. “Offerings like the ad relevance scores that Facebook implemented back in February are essentially Facebook doing everything it can to present value to advertisers, and judging by their steady growth in revenue it’s […]

Ken in the Access Direct Blog: Looking Big, Even When You’re Not

A public relations campaign can go a long way toward making a small company look big, agrees Ken Wisnefski, CEO of WebiMax. “The key strategy should be pitching people inside your company as expert sources to the media. Though, it can certainly take a bit of patience and a lot of reading to figure out which […]

Google’s Mobile Push: April 21st is coming, is your business ready?

At the end of February, Google announced that beginning April 21st, websites that were not ‘Mobile-Friendly’ would go down in Google’s page ranking system for mobile search and subsequently lose significant web traffic.  For business execs that count on their website to drive sales, this can have a very real effect on the bottom line. […]

Ken in Mobile Marketer discusses Chevrolet’s viral April Fool’s Day Campaign on You Tube

The program’s success underscored how YouTube has become a viable platform to promote messaging, because its videos are shared frequently and users can go back and view them at their convenience, said Ken Wisnefski, founder-CEO of WebiMax.  Click Here To Read the Full Article