How Long Will The Johnny Manziel Finger Incident Linger?

Ken Wisnefski discusses sports reputation management and the Johnny Manziel “gesture” incident.

Ken Wisnefski, the founder and CEO of internet marketer WebiMax, doesn’t think the nationally televised incident will linger long. “I think the chances of him doing something else are pretty high whether he’s seen partying or whatever,” Wisnefski said, hardly a ringing endorsement for Manziel’s smarts.

“All athletes could use a P.R. company to help guide them and save them from themselves. The middle finger was obviously done in the heat of the moment but it could have cost him an opportunity.”

Although Wisnefski feels the finger incident hurts the Manziel brand in terms of possible endorsements, he said, “I still think he has a tremendous upside and, if given the opportunity, he’s going to do pretty well.”

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Published by Kenneth Wisnefski

Kenneth Wisnefski is a serial web entrepreneur currently on his 3rd successful startup. His previous ventures include (founded in 2001, sold in 2008), ImpactDirect (founded in 2005, sold in 2008) and WebiMax (founded in 2008). Mr. Wisnefski is an expert source in entrepreneurship, small business, online marketing, social media, and online security. Under Mr. Wisnefski’s leadership, WebiMax has grown from a small startup with 4 employees in 2008 to 130 employees and $8 million in revenue in 2011. WebiMax works with over 600 clients worldwide from individual and small business to large firms including Aeropostale, DirectTV, Marriott, and Toshiba. WebiMax’s core products and services include Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design and Development, Paid Search, E-Commerce, and Search Engine Marketing.

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