Big Brother a.k.a. Big Data has his eye on your health. The twist? …You’re Him

The internet of things is generating a ridiculous amount of data on people brave enough to use it. There is data on everything from what temperature someone likes to keep their house in the month of December to what’s in their fridge the night before the big game. Some would say all this data is […]

The Rise of Tinder – IAC’s Investment Strategy is Sound

To some people, dare I say most, the idea of dating has always been awkward. Whether we’re asking someone whom we just met to join us for a meal or going out with a total stranger on a blind date, sitting there in constant judgment of each other can be unnerving to say the least […]

The Curious Case of Katie Couric

One of the most difficult things to do is revive a dead brand, but I have to give Yahoo credit for doing everything they can to make it happen. I recall the days that Yahoo was the champion of the search space and “the” place to go for online news. They were the success story […]

Holiday Shopping…Then and Now

Growing up in the 80’s, the holiday gift buying season seemed to start only a few weeks before Christmas and I could hardly wait for those first holiday related commercials to start airing after Thanksgiving. Nowadays, holiday commercials are starting before Halloween. With the advertising change, the gift buying process has evolved immensely. The craziness […]

Hummingbird…Friend or Foe?

The industry is abuzz once again related to an update by Google. Unlike it’s more nasty and mean spirited predecessors, the Hummingbird update is less of a concern and more of an enhancement. Driven by the evolving nature in which web users actually engage the Google search engine, the new algorithm will provide more insight […]

Will the 2012 Republican National Convention Become the Social Media Event of the Year?

On Tuesday, the 2012 Republican National Convention officially began in Tampa Bay and less than 24 hours later, terms such as “Mitt Romney”, “Paul Ryan”, “GOP 2012”, “RNC 2012” and “Chris Christie” were still amongst the most frequently searched and discussed topics on the Web.  Throughout popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, millions […]

Will Google+ Provide Facebook’s Toughest Competition?

For quite some time now, Facebook has been the world’s preeminent social networking site.  In fact, it’s even become a part of pop culture.  Books have been written and movies have been made about the phenomenon that is Facebook and furthermore, the company released one of the most anticipated IPOs in history earlier this year.  […]

How Link Profiles Have Changed the Online Marketing Landscape

Recently, SEOs may have had difficulty relying on link building strategies that previously helped create page authority within Google’s SERPs.  Google’s new link evaluation process is definitely taking a toll on low-quality links and is forcing developers to find better methods of building backlinks.  Despite Google’s apparent emphasis on link evaluation lately, backlinks are still […]

How Best Buy’s New CEO Could Rebuild the Retailer

Worldwide electronics retailer Best Buy recently announced the appointment of Hubert Joly as the company’s Chief Executive Officer.  Joly, the former CEO of Carlson, replaces interim CEO G. Mike Mikan who had occupied the position since Brian Dunn resigned in April.  Following news of Joly’s hiring at Best Buy, the company’s stock prices have rapidly […]

Twitter’s Role in the Success of Social Media Marketing

The popularity of Twitter has skyrocketed over the last several years, but despite its undeniable success, many companies have still failed to capitalize on the platform.  Quite simply, some brands don’t fully understand what Twitter has to offer.  What exactly does Twitter offer that makes it unique and useful to businesses?  Instant gratification. Twitter provides […]

What to Avoid in Post-Penguin SEO Campaigns

By the end of 2012, many former trends and practices in SEO will be effectively rendered obsolete.  While certain tactics were never seen as “white hat” and were always frowned upon by Google, algorithm updates such as Panda and Penguin are intended to phase them out entirely. From time to time, changes in search engine […]

How Google’s Focus on Innovation Will Benefit Digital Marketers

In the past year, the search industry is changing more rapidly than it has in quite some time.  A former leader in the field, Yahoo!, is facing deficits and has recently laid off 2,000 employees.  Google has increased their emphasis on G+ and their search functionality is now just a part of a larger business […]

Utilizing Diversity Within SEO Campaigns to Drive Results

Lately, social media has been shown to work wonders for many Internet marketing campaigns, but some SEOs still have difficulty leveraging social networks to work in their favor.  Networks such as Facebook and Twitter have been playing a larger part in optimization strategies and are often useful in driving traffic to pages.  However, even social […]

Will Social Media Marketing Affect the Growth of Mobile Commerce?

Both social media marketing and mobile E-Commerce are becoming more prolific and in the years ahead, are expected by experts to generate even more revenue and visibility for businesses that utilize them.  Although major companies such as General Motors have reduced their social media advertising spending due to lackluster results, their social marketing efforts have […]