Ken in Mobile Marketer on Google’s 4th Quarter Earnings and Mobile Strategy

      Critical mass Google is number one for a reason – users typically find what they are looking for when they use it. “Google seems to have reached a critical mass with its core business of simple text searches, and now it’s all about continually innovating to retain that number one status there,” […]

Ken in Mobile Marketer Magazine on Facebook’s 4th Quarter Earnings

      “As the CEO of digital marketing agency WebiMax, I see our clients shifting ad spending away from Google even to invest those dollars into Facebook,” said Ken Wisnefski, CEO/founder of digital-marketing firm WebiMax. “The reason is Google pricing for premium placement has become extremely costly and Facebook’s combination for highly focused targeting, […]

Ken featured in Small Business on tech trends for 2015

      “We’re seeing the use of geo-location—meaning pushing out ads to people within a given radius of a business,” says Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO of internet marketer, WebiMax. “It used to be a difficult prospect to incorporate people’s vicinity to your business into your Internet marketing and advertising campaigns. But social media makes […]

Ken Wisnefski in YP Advertising Solutions: Turning “Likes into “Loves”

Looks Aren’t Enough Many people get smitten by a pretty face, but lasting love requires something deeper. “Visuals are a big part of attracting people to your content, but generic images won’t get you from like to love,” says digital marketing expert Ken Wisnefski. “You need to couple your content with a strong image that […]

Ken Wisnefski in Social Media Today, discussing Local Twitter Marketing

      More and more companies have been focusing on how to use geo-location as a part of their social media strategy in order to increase their conversion rate. However, implementing such a strategy can seem difficult. “What it could mean mechanically is that if there is a product that you’ve searched for online […]

Ken Wisnefski on American business opportunity in Cuba, from Mobile Marketer Magazine

    “It’s tough to say what the precise U.S. demand for tourism to Cuba is at this moment,” said Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO of Webimax. “Will U.S. tourists view Cuba as a tropical getaway like St. Martin, or do they view it more curiously due to its historical significance and strained relationship with […]

Ken Wisnefski in Yellow Pages Ad Solutions on Building better Infographics

 Cut to the Chase “You want an infographic to be vibrant and visually appealing; too much text can take away from the overall design,” says Ken Wisnefski, CEO of internet marketer WebiMax. “Bullet points about stats and facts work best—even a numbered list of ‘How To’ or ‘Did you know?’ information works well.” Click Here […]

Ken Wisnefski lends his Facebook marketing Tips to Launch Grow Joy

                It can feel at times that as soon as you nail down a good strategy, Facebook changes something that can be detrimental to that strategy. However, Facebook implemented an ad platform last November that makes using geo location exceedingly simple called Local Awareness Ads, and I recommend […]

Yahoo Eyes Up Cable Networks with Alibaba Cash

Yahoo owned a large stake in Alibaba, and when Alibaba had its record breaking IPO last fall, Yahoo made a lot of money.  They cashed out $9 billion worth of shares, and their remaining 401 million shares of stock climbed to a value of about $40.5 billion.  Investors have been eagerly speculating on what Yahoo […]

Ebay, Mozilla, Yahoo and Bing vs. Google – The SEO Wars

I used to get frustrated when people asked, “does SEO still matter?”  because while it was obvious to me that it mattered,  there are definitely a lot of ways to answer the question, a lot of them long and technical.  But now I just say – ask Ebay if SEO still matters.   You see, […]

Ken in Web Pro News Discusses Twitter’s Potential 10k Character Limit

Change is coming to Twitter. The word is that Twitter will soon expand its character limit. It’s always been famous for 140 characters, but in the coming months, it’s poised to expand that limit greatly. WebiMax CEO Ken Wisnefski had this to say about Twitter’s plans: “Unlike Facebook, Twitter hasn’t been as interesting to marketers […]

Ken Wisnefski Discusses the implications of haptic technology for marketing with Michael Barris

      “Touch screens have provided a decidedly more direct way to interact with apps, and most of us are familiar with this on our smart phones and tablets,” he said. “Taking that a step further, marketers can experiment with the placement of products on a screen to force gestures that are engaging with […]

Ken Wisnefski lends his 2015 business predictions to Business News Daily

“Television content providers will shift their focus over to digital streaming as people turn primarily toward online for episodic programming, with exclusive online brands like Netflix, Hulu and now HBO offering content online. This is already causing a lot of concern for TV and cable networks as well as carriers, who tend to rely on […]

Ken Wisnefski in Mobile Marketer on Instagram’s purge of fake followers.

      “A lot of stars do buy fake followers to pad their follow numbers and
 many just attract fake spam accounts that try to piggyback on their fame,” said Ken Wisnesfki, CEO and founder of WebiMax. 
”Companies and brands will cozy up to celebs and pay big bucks to get them
 to broadcast […]